ADK Fragrance farm

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Adirondack Fragrance & Flavor Farm is on NEW YORK MAKERS!

New York Makers Marketplace and Magazine celebrates the people, places, experiences, products, and ideas that define New York State. Through our travels, we unearth the creatives and their communities, while promoting local sustainability and statewide connectivity.
Our Marketplace offers a curated selection of beautifully designed, locally created items from across the state.
Balsam Fir Hand & Body bar soapAdirondack Mountain Air Room SprayChocolate -New York Maple Drink Mix
Our Magazine explores a different “New York State of Mind” theme each month, featuring related behind-the-scenes stories of New York makers, movers and shakers, travels, events and activities, DIY projects, recipes, real estate, current and historic issues, and more.
Co-founded by Silda Wall Spitzer, former First Lady of New York State, is the first-of-its-kind statewide digital marketplace and magazine offering the ability to access the statewide gifts of New York in one place, 24/7.
See our products at NY Makers! Can you guess which product was included in The Editor’s Marketplace Fall Favorites?  Want to peak? The answer is here. 


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